Marion Jarvie for Gardens

Marion's Home Garden

The garden covers nearly half an acre in Thornhill, just north of Toronto, Ontario. It’s a plantswoman’s garden where an effort is made to grow and display plants of every description. Shade loving plants, many rare and unusual, are grown beneath dwarf trees and shrubs. There is a collection of Japanese maples. Many spectacular flowering dogwoods including the huge flowers of Cornus x Venus.

A growing collection of dwarf unusual conifers is found mostly in a rock garden also containing many bulbs, species peonies and Daphnes. The rock garden also displays a collection of tender and hardy succulents. A greenhouse is tucked away for housing treasures that bloom in winter. Flowering Camellias and bulbs. The perennial mixed borders both in the front and rear garden include the earliest flowering Hellebores and continuing with flowers for the whole season.

Noteworthy is the new cultivar Prunus ‘Marion Jarvie’ shown in above picture with bright rose double flowers. Also found is the columnar Prunus ‘Amanogawa’ and the lovely weeping Metasequoia ‘Miss Grace’.

In the centre of the back garden there is a pond, which is a magnet for every visiting child, with fish, waterlilies, toads,frogs. and visiting birds. This pond is surrounded by a damp garden where hardy orchids grow. Throughout the garden there are small statues and containers for displaying tender perennials. Phormiums of every colour are found both in the ground and used in containers from April to December. These blend well with the collection of fall plants, including asters and chrysanthemums complemented by the outstanding colour provided by the Japanese maples.